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Runpacks where originally called Builpacks. The name was changed to Runpacks to avoid confusion with the CNCF's . It might still appear as Buildpacks in some parts of the documentation and configuration files.

Kubero Runpacks rely on public available images.

Examples of Kubero Runpacks can be found here:

Runpacks are defined as a set of three containers:

Fetch (init container)

Fetches the code from a Git repository. There is a working fetch container from kubero. But if you wish to build your own, you are free to change it in the runpack configuration.

Build (init container)

Runs the build commands. You can define which image will be used by selecting the runpack. The runpack can be configured with any Docker image.

Run (container)

Run the final container In the run stage, there are two options: worker and web. Only the web pod is attached to the ingress and will be accessible from outside the cluster.

Example for a runpack configuration:

  - name: Python
language: Python
tag: v1
repository: python
tag: 3.10-buster
command: "python3 -m venv .venv && . .venv/bin/activate && pip install -r requirements.txt"
repository: python
tag: 3.10-buster
command: "python3 -m venv .venv && . .venv/bin/activate && python3"

This config is stored in your Kubernetes cluster and can be changed by kubectl.

kubectl edit kuberoes kubero -n kubero